All posts by Cambridge Real Ale Society
Fortnightly Virtual Pub Meets
Fridays 8pm
29th January
12th & 26th February
12th March
Our fortnightly virtual pub meets are an opportunity to relax at the end of the working week, and drink/talk real ale and all things related. Feel free to pop in with what you have in the fridge or try out some of beers from our suggested list!
Lent 2021 Term Card
Virtual Pub Meets in Michaelmas Term
9th, 23rd October,
6th, 20th November,
4th December
@8pm onwards
Open to all university members (CURAS membership not required).
These fortnightly virtual pub meets are informal gatherings where we meet up online in order to have a few beers (or ciders) from our own fridges. They are great opportunities to meet other students who are curious or already passionate about beer/cider, whether you are new to Cambridge or a returning student.
Always feel free to join the pub meets with whatever you may have in the fridge. In addition, we circulate a list of what we on the CURAS committee will be trying, in case you want to join in and buy some of those in advance (they should hopefully be available in your local supermarket).
Log in details are circulated via our mailing list and our social media channels closer to the nights.