Monthly Archives: January 2019

Belgian beer tasting

CURAS’s first event of the Lent Term will be a Belgian beer tasting on Wednesday the 23rd January. Amazing Jess from The Elm Tree has agreed in guiding us once again through the mouth-watering mazes of Belgian beer. We are going to taste eight of them of different styles, and we will see how, despite still being called “ales”, they vary quite a lot from British ones!

There are only 8 places available, so fill in the doodle below with your crsID to secure one. (If you don’t have a crsID, put down your email address or let us know how to contact you):

The tasting will take place at the pub (16A Orchard Street) from 8pm and will run for roughly one hour, but people are welcome to stay longer to enjoy more of the lovely atmosphere and the lovely beer.

The price will be around £10-£12 for members and £12-£14 for non members (TBC).