All posts by curas user

Quiz Night

                                             Saturday 8th March

graphicCURAS will be hosting a quiz night on Saturday 8th March beginning at 7.30PM at the Graduate Union.

There will be beer from Bexar County Brewery and teams of up to five people can take part. Tickets cost £5 for CURAS members and £6 for non-members

More information and sign-up here:


Pub Crawl


8th February 2014

CURAS will meet in the Mitre at 8:30pm for a Pub Crawl around five local Real-Ale pubs.

First 10 members (or non-members looking to sign up) to arrive will receive a complimentary half pint of ale. See you all there!

CURAS Whiskey and Ale tasting

CSC-Whisky-and-BeerSaturday 1st March

Join CURAS for an evening of tasting whiskey and ale! It will take place in the Graduate Union at 7.30. We will have a careful selection of 5 whiskies and beers which will be matched in pairs for your enjoyment. The cost will be £13 for members and £15 for non-members, and places are limited, so sign up soon!

Hope to see you there!